Where I commonly write about sports, in an uncommon way.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

My Mecca

Issue: Augusta National?

Short Answer: Well, yeah, but let's be realistic.

Reasoning: I made a promise to only blog super awesome things anymore, so, you know this has to be awesome.  For those that know me, my Mecca would have to be something entailing baseball or golf. Since my baseball career is long over, golf now rules my life.  So, other than Augusta National (which I will probably never play), Pebble Beach or St. Andrew's or some other world famous course would suffice as my Mecca.  That was, until a few minutes ago.

Dave Pelz is the short game guru.  He has written books, coached some of the best players in the world, and is generally the go-to guy when it comes to golf shots from 100 yards and in.  He could save everyone a few shots on their handicaps, that's for sure.  However, did you know that he has the GREATEST BACK YARD IN THE WORLD???  If you don't believe me, watch this:

When I die, I want to go to Dave Pelz's backyard.  I'm not sure heaven could be any better.

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